It's that time of the year again.

Posted by JessAnn on , ,
Yes, kids, it's that time of the year again, National Novel Writing Month. This year, I've added onto my list of things to do in November (write 50,000 words) and I've become a Municipal Liaison (ML, as the kids say). Nothing special happens in my region when you're ML, because we're all pretty mature and capable. So, a few times a week, I send out an e-mail telling my group (which, as of this post consists of 129 different people) to write, write, write, and to attend write-ins. Basically, I'm a noveling cheerleader.

Last year was the first year in five years of participating in NaNoWriMo that I won. I did it with a fantasy novel that I called Bruises. So, to continue my tradition of win, I've decided I'm going to stick with fantasy again this year. Only, this time, I'm doing what I like to call "young adult modern fantasy." My title? The Road Home.

As of right now, I've written 12,709 words towards my novel, almost double the amount needed to be "on track" with the month. I've also, in addition to noveling, created several images to go along with my novel. Most of the images are book covers, but a few are things like banners for my forum signature, or user icons. Would you like to look at them? You would? Well, you're in luck, my friend.

The first book cover:

My banner for my forum signature.
I know they're tacky, but everybody has one.

An icon of sorts, using a road, and not the model.

Just in case you were wondering, the girl who I used in my novel cover and signature banner is Katerina Martinovska, she's a Czech model whose work is mostly found in the knitting magazine, Rowan. Though, some of her work has been featured in the Russian Elle.


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