I always pretend to make loads and loads of cookies ahead of time for the holidays. I spend a few days doing nothing but baking, bagging, and freezing cookies. Trouble is, they never last until the time they're intended for.
So, this year, I'm going to do something a little bit different. I'm going to start baking in September, on September 1st to be exact. I'm going to spread my baking out over 2 months, 60 days, exactly. I'm going to make around 60 different cookie recipes, 60, exactly. That way, I don't spend one week making cookies and the next three weeks eating them.

My little project will run from September 1st to October 30th. That way I can have premade cookies for NaNoWriMo in November. (This year I'm going to ML, so there's a little extra strain on me this year.) Hopefully there will be some leftover for Christmas. But, if not, I'll just get to bake again in December!
I'm super excited about this. So excited I'm going to, probably, do some baking today.
But first, I need recipes! Sixty different cookie recipes. They don't have to be drastically different, but a little something different here and there would be nice. I have 16 recipes as of this post, and I'd love to hear what recipes you, my 6(+?) readers love to make/eat. If you're nice, I might even send you some cookies I made off of your recipe. That is, if I don't eat them all myself first.