Not Disney, as a whole, but actually, more Disney characters. Well, no, not really. I don't know what to call my pet peeve, exactly. Maybe Disney animators? The people in charge of Disney characters? I'll give you an example (or two) of what I'm trying to say:
The Genie - Even after good ol' Al sets him free from the droll life of servitude he still has the wrist shackles on.

Maybe they're a fashion statement?
This wouldn't bother me so much, if they wouldn't have made his bling so strongly tied to his being free from the masters of the lamp. (Although, I do have to admit, when I was GISing Genie, I did see a few pictures of him without the shackles-o-gold, so I could have misplaced anger here.)
The Beast - This is a big one for me, as this is my absolute favorite movie/ story/ play/ musical/ kink. If you go Disney World (or Land) and you get the chance to see Belle and her prince (I like to think his name is Christopher), he is always in beastie form. Now, I get that he's more reconizable as a horrible looking, yet sweet, monster as opposed to a hot slab-o-hunk human.

This would be so much easier on the eye.
Plus, maybe, finally, Belle's loveable prince would get a name. A real name, not just whatever the directors decided to call him three quarters of the way through the commentary on the DVD. (Hopefully they won't call him "Adam," like some fans claim that "The Disney Encyclopedia" calls him.)
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